“The best of people are those that bring the most benefit to the rest of mankind.” [Dâraqutni, Hasan]
On the 19th of September, the students of Grades 11 and 12, accompanied by a few teachers visited Habib Ullah Khan Hifzul Quran Madrasa/Orphanage.
The DP students requested and received donations from the school family and were able to raise a good sum. This sum was entirely used to purchase a variety of supplies, including basic stationery, bedsheets, buckets, badminton rackets, and food packets for the residents and students of the orphanage Students broke off into smaller groups and engaged with the children in a variety of indoor games whilst getting to know each other better and exchanging different areas of knowledge. They held races and played Tug of War too. EPSites gave them gifts of love and care. Each child was given a bedsheet, a notebook, and a pen/pencil. They also received a large number of donated toys, storybooks, and many other items.
It was a mutually rewarding and enlightening experience for both the institutions.