EPS revived the memories and lessons from the life of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on Oct 2, 2019 on his 150th birthday. The day started with an inspiring and creative act which depicted the real meaning of our flag which is ‘Unity’. Grade 9th boys portrayed that Mahatma Gandhi was a person who believed in equality and unity in a prolific way. A statue was erected on the stage while people of different religions were trying to remake the statue in the way their religion says but Mahatma Gandhi came and gave them an Indian Flag which said: Saffron for Hinduism, White for Christianity and Green for Islam. In the next segment they showed how Gandhiji encouraged the people to gain independence in a non-violent manner. The assembly was continued by motivating and inspiring short speeches delivered by 9th graders. The topics of their conversation were related to Mahatma Gandhi’s protests, courage and selflessness. They appealingly made Islamic Integrations related to their topics such as cleanliness.
At last, students and staff together watched a movie which revolved around the life of Mahatma Gandhi. This movie made the students realize that the freedom and rights we have today were presented to us by Mahatma Gandhi and his brave companions.