A ceremony conducted to appreciate and acknowledge the efforts, talent, and creativity of the participants of one of the flagship events and contests at EPS.
The Haj Event- the event that fosters knowledge and understanding of the process of Hajj- one of the five pillars of Islam and a visual experience that sows the seeds of a deep yearning for this holy journey.
And the award goes to –
The Parent Speaks!
Alhamdulillah my child participated in the contest ‘Let’s Paint’ and took the lead and required little guidance in the presentation. He shows deep interest in seeking knowledge about Islam. He chose the topic-The Kabaah & The Maqaam e Ibrahim, after a lot of brainstorming. Then he researched extensively about his amazing topic.
We spent quality time to grasp knowledge about Islam and doing some creitical thinking together. He was intrigued to find out how it is possible to maintain the stone for hundreds of yeards?
I would like to congratulate everyone for organizing the Islamic contest so patiently & creatively.
I am so satisfied with the Islamic Studies Program at EPS, and the indulging contests & events.Not just for kids, as a parent I too get so much knowledge & benefit Alhamdulillah.
Saima Ibrahim
Mother of Mohammad Muzakkir 2A