Grade -2C Assembly 2023

Grade -2C Assembly 2023

Being an Islamic school, EPS always strives hard to build up Islamic learner profiles in its students, teachers as well as their families.

Students of Grade 2-C selected and presented their class assembly around ‘FORGIVENESS’,one of the nine Islamic learner profiles. To make kids understand the importance of FORGIVENESS, these second graders recreated on stage the school playground scene during lunch break showing kids running around and unintentionally pushing or bumping into other students and causing their lunchboxes to fall down or hurting peers. As a response and reaction, there was a lot of blaming and fighting followed by hitting each other to settle the scores. Resulting in a chaotic lunch break instead of a happy and playful one. Then they played a classroom scene where teachers and students made everyone aware about the Hadiths of Prophet Mohammad SAW about FORGIVENESS and the importance of asking for forgiveness and forgiving people. And not to hold grudges over small things that make our days and environment unpleasant.

Audience learned about the importance of FORGIVENESS not only for a happy and peaceful world but also for its huge rewards in the akhirah.

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