Aqsa Sheeraz

Grade Level Coordinator – Grade 5 Home Room Teacher, Eastern Public School

Passionate teacher, who loves working with children and believes that learning has no limitations and boundaries. It is just their pace that makes the student learn in a glance or gaze.

After completing BSc and MSc (Mathematics) from Barkatullah University Bhopal, she Joined this profession in 2015. These 6 years didn’t only bestow her the opportunity of teaching but learning too, through different curriculums and ethnicities. Working for 4 years in IB PYP has been nothing but growing and developing. Her journey from a Homeroom teacher to the Grade Level coordinator has strengthened her and allowed her to enhance the teaching and learning process.

Being a specialized Mathematics tutor, She tries to implement the skills and knowledge to build a rapport with students and get to know them on an individual basis to tailor their learning. Her entire teaching and learning journey honed her conflict management skills that helped her resolve students’ behavioral issues in a considerate and professional manner. She is voluntarily managing the preparation of learning materials and plans for students’ needs for differentiated learning.

The collaborative planning and decision-making with the leadership team, Primary years coordinator, and Junior school principal, has enhanced her teaching skills to the core that enables the students to make the most of their learning journey.